Crushed Strawberries and Cream

"A gorgeous dessert to look at, simple to make and delicious to boot!"
photo by daisygrl64 photo by daisygrl64
photo by daisygrl64
photo by daisygrl64 photo by daisygrl64
photo by Stephanie Y. photo by Stephanie Y.
photo by MA HIKER photo by MA HIKER
Ready In:




  • Chill bowl and beaters.
  • Crush 1 cup of the berries with fork.
  • Combine crushed berries with remaining 3 cups of strawberries in large bowl, tossing with sugar and framboise.
  • Refrigerate, covered, until serving time.
  • At serving time, whip heavy cream with icing sugar in chilled bowl with chilled beaters until soft peaks form.
  • Lightly fold into berries with streaking motion, so berries and cream are barely combined.

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  1. So easy and so good -- a perfect endiing to a spicy meal. I didn't have any of the liquor so I used some extract instead -- delicious! This is great alone or would be a delicious topping for pound cake. Thanks Evelyn for posting this keeper desert recipe. We will be making this often this summer.
  2. Wow what a delicious way to finish a good meal. My whole family loved this, and it was so easy :) Thank you for posting and I will make again. Made for Zaar Chef Alphabet Soup Tag Game
  3. I reduced this to a single serving and used my immersion blender to whip the cream. So easy and yummy!
  4. Very easy to make and deelish! I used almond extract. The was the perfect dessert to serve after having spicy black bean soup for dinner. Made for ZWTIII
  5. Very tasty with good strawberries. I made it for just the husband and I and I'm glad because even though it tasted great, it looked kind of a mess and I'm glad I didn't have to serve it to company. It would look better in a really pretty tall glass with maybe some mint leaves. Fast to do and a different take on things we use all the time.


  1. amazing! made this with fresh strawberries just picked from my garden. I used vanilla extract instead of almond or the liqueur - my kids really enjoyed this. We will make this again! thanks for the post. ZWT 2007
  2. My Christmas Dessert!! Strawberries are in the Cairo shops just now, and we're talking locally-grown organic beauties!! To give them the Egyptian touch, I substituted the liqueur for rosewater, what a dream!! Thanks Evelyn for another success-story!


<style>body { background: url(""); background-repeat: repeat-y; }</style> OK, here goes. I live in Athens, Greece. I moved out here many, many years ago from Ottawa, Canada - so I am blessed in having two wonderful heritages! I suffer from compulsive obsessive behaviour with regard to food and my psychiatrist thought it would be a good idea to find a 'society' where many have the same problem and try to find a cure. So far, I've copied a couple of thousand recipes from this site and my psychiatrist has thrown the towel in and refuses to answer the phone when I call. What did I do wrong? Got 3 kids that keep me on the go - 10 and under at this point (2008) - I may not get round to updating this for a few years, so you'll have to do your own maths. I teach English full-time and Greek Cookery part-time. I would like to make the cooking part of it full-time and the English Grammar part of it part-time. That's all for now.
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